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Showing posts from September, 2020

What is the salary of India's top news anchor in 2020?

Most noteworthy Paid Writers of India: The third-world nations intensely depend on their media and writers to reveal what’s going on to create the correct choice for long term. In India, among other nations, writers are of tall significance and the open for the most part looks up to them for everything that’s happening. India’s highest paid news anchors are as follows: 1] ARNAB GOSWAMI [12  Crores per annum ] Arnab Goswami is another prevalent English news moderator in India who got to be popular for his one-liner ‘the country needs to know’. Arnab Goswami is one of the most popular and definitely the highest-paid journalist in India. After working as an Editor-in-Chief of Times Now for several years, Goswami stepped down to establish his own news channel Republic TV. He isn’t just the founder of ‘Republic TV’ but is regularly invited to different shows including Big Boss for his analysis and staunch questioning style. He is famous for his dominant voice and debating style that lea...

What are the benefits of backlinks for a blogger?

One of the greatest benefits of SEO is the residual, targeted traffic to your website through search engines. But if you don’t yet understand the beauty of backlinks, you’re missing a huge opportunity. More Than a Link On the surface, the word “backlink” is pretty self-explanatory. It’s a link back to your site from another website. Some people call it an inbound link, as its an outbound link that directs people into your site. But once you really dive into the topic you’ll understand that backlinks are more than just links, and the better you understand them, the more you can benefit from their true power. Backlinks are in the top 3 most important ranking factors in Googles eyes Traffic can actually be gained from a backlink, especially if the anchor text and the context makes your content sound appealing. The primary way to build domain authority is backlinks, so invest in a link building strategy. When your audience is surfing the web and sees a bunch of other websites linking back ...

Why do I feel cold and shiver when I have a fever? बुखार होने पर मुझे ठंड और कंपकंपी क्यों लगती है?

A fever is when your body increases its internal thermostat, found in the hypothalamus. If you exercise hard or it’s a hot day, your body temperature might increase, but the thermostat remains at around 36.8°C. When you feel hot the hypothalamus tries to correct this with sweating and increased blood flow to the skin. But with a fever, it is the thermostat that has risen. This means your body temperature is now below 36.8°C, so you feel cold and shiver, to try and raise your temperature. The higher body temperature may help fight infection by speeding white blood cell production and slowing bacteria reproduction. ------------------------------------- बुखार तब होता है जब आपका शरीर हाइपोथैलेमस में पाया जाने वाला आंतरिक थर्मोस्टैट बढ़ाता है। यदि आप कठिन व्यायाम करते हैं या यह एक गर्म दिन है, तो आपके शरीर का तापमान बढ़ सकता है, लेकिन थर्मोस्टैट लगभग 36.8 ° C पर बना रहता है। जब आप गर्म महसूस करते हैं तो हाइपोथैलेमस पसीने और त्वचा में रक्त के प्रवाह में वृद्धि के साथ इसे ठीक करने की कोशिश कर...

What is OK short for? OK का पूर्ण रूप क्या है?

  The most popular theory is that OK comes from ‘oll korrect’, a deliberately misspelled writing of ‘all correct’. It was popularised in Boston newspapers around the 1840s when it was fashionable to go around spelling things incorrectly for humorous effect. Legend also has it that New York Democrats later adopted the abbreviation to promote their candidate Martin Van Buren – the initials ‘OK’ were derived from his nickname, Old Kinderhook. --------------------------------- सबसे लोकप्रिय सिद्धांत यह है कि ओके rect oll korrect ’से आता है,। सभी सही का जानबूझकर गलत तरीके से लिखा गया’। यह 1840 के आसपास बोस्टन अखबारों में लोकप्रिय हो गया था जब हास्य प्रभाव के लिए गलत तरीके से वर्तनी की चीजों के चारों ओर जाना फैशनेबल था। किंवदंती यह भी है कि न्यूयॉर्क डेमोक्रेट्स ने बाद में अपने उम्मीदवार मार्टिन वान ब्यूरन को बढ़ावा देने के लिए संक्षिप्त नाम अपनाया - शुरुआती 'ओके' उनके उपनाम ओल्ड किंडरहुक से लिए गए थे।

Why is water transparent? पानी पारदर्शी क्यों है?

We can’t see through walls because electrons in the structure absorb visible light. Some light reflects off the wall, but no light gets through. Radio waves – the same stuff as visible light with a longer wavelength – go straight through. This is because electrons in a wall don’t absorb or reflect radio waves, due to their shape. Electrons in water act in a similar way to visible light so they don’t absorb or reflect most of the light. Instead they allow it to pass through relatively unimpeded, absorbing wavelengths like infrared and reflecting invisible UV. ------------------------------------------- हम दीवारों के माध्यम से नहीं देख सकते क्योंकि संरचना में इलेक्ट्रॉन दृश्यमान प्रकाश को अवशोषित करते हैं। कुछ प्रकाश दीवार से दूर दिखाई देते हैं, लेकिन कोई प्रकाश से नहीं गुजरता है। रेडियो तरंगें - एक समान तरंग दैर्ध्य के साथ दृश्यमान प्रकाश - सामान सीधे चलते हैं। इसका कारण यह है कि एक दीवार में इलेक्ट्रॉनों को उनके आकार के कारण, रेडियो तरंगों को अवशोषित या प्रतिबिंबित नहीं किया जाता है। प...

Why is glass transparent? ग्लास पारदर्शी क्यों है?

Photons pass through glass because they are not absorbed. And they are not absorbed because there is nothing which "absorbs" light in visual frequencies in glass. You may have heard that ultraviolet photons are absorbed by glass, so glass is not transparent for them. Exactly the same happens with X-rays for which our body is nearly transparent whilst a metal plate absorbs it. This is experimental evidence. Any photon has certain frequency - which for visible light is related to the colour of light, whilst for lower or upper frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum it is simply a measure of the energy transported by photon. A material's absorption spectrum (which frequencies are absorbed and how much so) depends on the structure of the material at atomic scale. Absorption may be from atoms which absorb photons (remember - electrons go to upper energetic states by absorbing photons), from molecules, or from lattices. There are important differences in these absorption po...

How to find the proper MTU size for Network

  Summary One of the easy and most accurate ways to test for optimum MTU is to do a simple DO S P ing test. You will simply send out ping requests and progressively lower your packet size until the packet no longer needs to be fragmented. Although this simple test is accurate for testing end points, users may find that a lower MTU may be better for their particular circumstances.  Important Note : MTU must be 1492 (or lower) when using PPPoE connectivity. MTU (Maximum Transfer Unit) Network                          MTU (bytes) ------------------------------------------------- 16 Mbps Token Ring      17914 4 Mbps Token Ring          4464 FDDI                                4352 Ethernet                          ...

Little Guidance and Learn about SVN Server In Windows

Subversion is an open source version control system. Founded in 2000 by CollabNet, Inc., the Subversion project and software have seen incredible success over the past decade. Subversion has enjoyed and continues to enjoy widespread adoption in both the open source arena and the corporate world. Reference Link: Download svn server below link: SVN Begginer Guide Don't forget to like, share and subscribe

Do you really know Who is she?

The vegetable seller is no ordinary woman but Sudhamurthy, the wife of Infosys founder Narayanamurthy and chairman of the Infosys Foundation. Everyone knows that Sudhamurthy, the owner of billions of rupees, lives a simple life, but like a common man, he also works to dissolve his ego by doing some ordinary things. Sitting outside a temple in South India, Sudhamurti sells vegetables on certain days of the year and serves the temple with the proceeds. He can donate crores of rupees directly if he wants but he says, 'It is good to be served by wealth but the fun of being served by the body is different. Doing things that people consider normal work also washes away our ego and also makes us realize that no work in life should ever be considered normal. ' Sudhamurti also goes to serve in other temples and also cleans shoes in Gurudwaras. Gentlemen whose temperament begins to change with the advent of a little wealth, like to learn from the life of Sudhamurti. However, this virtue ...

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