This is one of the most effective methods of obtaining
passwords at this time.U get a programme named Y! Jacked/mps1.5se/sub7 n
there are
many trojans n stealers.
With this you have to take the main program put it in a
folder and generate a trojan that you send via atachment to
the victim's mail box.When that person opens it u will have
hi's password.This is a easy to use program just take care
taht most antivirusez see it as a virus and u shoulden't
get alarmed by that.It has a lot of options that u will
understand surely if u know english.
PROTECTION It's the easyest way to protect ur self don't
open atachments from anybody I can send a mail with an
atachment from any mail I want for example It's not smart
to open any atachment without a good antivirus.