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What are the social networking site in hindi - सोशल नेटवर्किंग साइट क्या हैं ?

 अगर आज आपको अपने किसी दोस्त को जन्मदिन की बधाई देने हो तो आप कहाँ जाएंगे यह सीधी सी बात है आप उसको फेसबुक पर या ट्विटर पर या व्हाट्सएप के जरिए बधाई संदेश देंगे और ऐसा करने वाले आप अकेले नहीँ हैँ आपके और भी कई दोस्त इसी तरह से अपने दोस्‍तो को मिलते हैँ और अपने मैसेज इस के जरिए आपस मेँ बात करते यही है

Step-12: Prayer pose – Tadasana

Exhale, straighten your body and bring the arms down. Step-11: Raised arms pose – Hasta Uttanasana

Step-11: Raised arms pose – Hasta Uttanasana

Inhale and lift your arms up and then to the back. Bring your biceps close to your ears. Try to stretch back your body as much as you can. Step 10: Hand to foot pose – Hasta Padasana                                     Step-12: Prayer pose – Tadasana

Step 10: Hand to foot pose – Hasta Padasana

Exhale and bend yourself forward from waist and remember to keep your spine straight. Then try to bring the hands down to the floor to your feet Step 9: Equestrian pose- Ashwa Sanchalanasana          Step-11: Raised arms pose – Hasta Uttanasana

Step 9: Equestrian pose- Ashwa Sanchalanasana

Inhale and push the left leg back to as far it can be. Bring the right knee to floor and slowly look up. Make sure that the right foot is exactly in between the palms. Step 8: Mountain pose – Parvatasana                            Step 10: Hand to foot pose – Hasta Padasana

Step 8: Mountain pose – Parvatasana

Exhale and lift the hips up and chest downwards into an ‘inverted V’ (/\) posture. Step 7: Cobra pose – Bhujangasana                               Step 9: Equestrian pose- Ashwa Sanchalanasana

Step 7: Cobra pose – Bhujangasana

Slide forward. Raise your chest up into a cobra pose. Bend your elbows and rest in this pose. Keep the shoulders away from ears. Try to look up Step 6: Salute with eight parts or points – Ashtanga Namaskara   Step 8: Mountain pose – Parvatasana